Swaddling Your Baby to Keep Them Comfy All Night Long

Swaddling Your Baby to Keep Them Comfy All Night Long

Newborns need at least 14 to 17 hours of sleep every day. These hours are imperative because they will help them grow strong and healthy. Plus, it’s crucial for the development of their brain. So if you just gave birth to your baby and want to give them a good night’s sleep every night, try making use of a baby swaddle. Thankfully, Love to Dream has the ideal swaddle for every newborn, which is their award-winning design for all parents. Furthermore, making sure that your baby gets the recommended sleep will give you that peace of mind. So if you want to know the benefits of swaddling, read on to find out.

Protect Them from Startling Themselves

Babies have a natural startle reflex. You shouldn’t worry about that since all babies are born with it. However, it can accidentally wake them up. It’s one of the reasons why a baby accidentally wakes up in the middle of the night. So if you don’t want to also wake up due to them waking up, you might want to swaddle them. It will keep their arms close to their bodies, which prevents them from hitting their bodies when their bodies are startled. So you and your baby get longer sleep, which means you can get more rest.

baby swaddle

It May Help Calm a Colicky Baby

Some babies, no matter how healthy, are colicky. Colicky babies are those who cry nonstop and are always fussy. They will cry no matter how much you console them, and they often cry from 6 pm to midnight. It can be a huge problem for mothers who don’t know what to do. So if you want to give them a good night’s sleep, you can swaddle them. It’s one way to keep them calm. Currently, nobody knows the exact cause of colic. Some say it’s due to digestion problems or a sensitivity to the baby’s formula. Or maybe the baby isn’t used to the sounds and sights around them.

Give You & Your Baby Longer Sleep

As we all know, newborns will sleep for three hours, and then wake up to be fed. It’s one of the most exhausting parts of being a mom, especially if it’s your first time. Some babies won’t sleep right away, especially colicky ones. So to make it easier for parents, swaddling them can immediately give them the comfort they need. Since swaddling mimics the womb, it can keep them comfortable and less anxious. As a result, they get to sleep for three straight hours and only wake up to be fed. Therefore, you and your baby get the right amount of sleep no matter what. Overall, every mother need rest since delivering a baby will pull out all of their energy. So if you want to get the sleep you need, swaddling them is the way to go.